Management Consulting – Interview Preparation Kit.
Observe and learn from genuine case scenarios, understand the intricacies of the interviewer's thought process, and benefit from the expert feedback. This is not just about answering interview questions; it's about comprehending the strategic thinking and professional outlook needed to thrive in a consulting role.
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The case interview is an open-book test – welcome, let's dive in.
This unique course, designed by a seasoned McKinsey veteran, is an essential resource for college students interested in entering the consulting field. This program goes beyond traditional textbook learning, providing a unique insight into real-life consulting case interviews.
Observe and learn from genuine case scenarios, understand the intricacies of the interviewer's thought process, and benefit from the expert feedback. This is not just about answering interview questions; it's about comprehending the strategic thinking and professional outlook needed to thrive in a consulting role.
Additionally, the course includes a variety of valuable supplementary materials. Gain access to exclusive insights, strategic tools, and additional resources designed to enhance your interview skills and understanding of the consulting industry.
Your Instructor
After interning at Silvertree Capital during his iX Summer program in Cape Town in 2017, Erik graduated from the University of Virginia in 2018. He went on to work at McKinsey, attended HBS, and is now a Senior Associate at McKinsey. Over the years, Erik has served as a TA for multiple iX Management Consulting programs and has participated in numerous recruiting intakes at McKinsey. He's passionate about making a positive impact on the projects he works on and the people he collaborates with.
Course Curriculum
PreviewMeet Erik, McKinsey Veteran and your case prep guru (1:03)
StartErik's journey from Liberal Arts to McKinsey (5:56)
StartDemystifying the consulting interview (21:21)
StartMastering problem solving, business sense, and recommendations (21:00)
StartErik's advice on the consulting behavioral interview (1:56)